All posts in payments
3DSecure failures cause big holiday headache for many French e-merchants
P The holiday season is often both a fruitful and trying time for many e-merchants trying to manage and fulfill the increasing number of online transaction. However, this season is likely to go down as an even more of a challenging one for many French e-merchants due to the repeated system failures of 3DSecure, a […]
Home, Health & Payments – Orange CEO Stephane Richard’s 5 big announcements
Positioning themselves as the Open Innovation leader Orange has just announced several initiatives to establish new platforms of innovation. Stéphane Richard himself took the stage at the Orange Hello Show to make some very bold announcements on how will Orange take advantage of its global presence and expertise in mobile networks to push new services […]
Crowdfunding platform KissKissBankBank launches their next product, HelloMerci, for not-so micro loans
KissKissBankBank has long been a success story of the French startup world – its crowdfunding platform for creative projects is doing well, and their business model is working well for them – revenue from the projects themselves (they keep a percentage), plus sponsorship. When we spoke to them for the first time, CEO Vincent Ricordeau […]
Mobile payments provider Flashiz hedges bets with its NFC- and QR-compatible technology
Back in April, I met up with Luxembourg-based startup Flashiz during The NextWeb conference to talk about how they were going to squeeze into the tightly fit online payments space. As one of the first certified electronic money institutes in Europe (admittedly, like 50% of online payments startups), Flashiz’ solution hopes to offer merchants a […]
Adyen brings its global payments solution in stores with POS to blend online & offline
Last week at The Next Web, I met up with global payments player Adyen, who has been enabling eCommerce sites like Mango & Groupon to accept payments from all around the world. The space is heating up, and with Adyen having already processed $10 Billion + in transactions as of 2012, their recent launch of […]
How Personal Finance Technology has evolved in Europe in the last six years
The following is a guest post from Nick Hungerford, CEO and Co-founder of, which offers a fresh, straightforward and transparent way of investing. You can follow Nick on Twitter @NickHungerford, Although the modern banking system can trace its origins back to the Medicis in Renaissance Italy, there is a strong argument for saying that there […]
European Commission accuses Debit Card suppliers of price fixing
In an announcement made today, the European Commission stated that it will pursue suspicions of Debit Card suppliers of price-fixing in order to keep prices high. Reported by Challenges, the accusations may bear a penalty of up to 10% of the revenue of the suppliers if proven true. This lays just another brick in the wall that […]
Jaina Capital partners with Rentabiliweb – what future for online payments in France?
Marc Simoncini, known for creating the online European dating scene, Jaïna Capital, and being a tax-targeted millionaire, entered into a partnership with Rentabiliweb. This means all of Jaïna Capital’s e-commerce activity will be under the umbrella of Rentabilweb’s e-payment services. If the words ‘Rent’, ‘Ability’, and ‘Web’ don’t stick out at first, I will try […]
Toulouse-based BuyBox raised 1.7M€ for its SaaS payment solution for eMerchants
BuyBox announced today that they have raised 1.7 Million euros from Iris Capital and Midi Capital in order to brings its social payments soluion for eMerchants to international markets. Founded in 2010, BuyBox has had a fair amount of traction and interest, having already added Celio, and Micromania as clients. Essentially, BuyBox provides a white label solution […]