©Dan Taylor/Heisenberg Media
Wednesday October 28th was a milestone in the history of #ParisFounders.
It’s been two years that we started this project in a random Parisian café and we couldn’t be happier or more proud to have made it to the Hotel de Ville.
Special thanks go to Paris&Co, the economic development and innovation agency of Paris, for making this happen and providing startups the possibility to go global faster with their partnership with New York, and to the Mairie de Paris for having welcomed us in such a magical place.
This Fall Edition counted 600+ founders, investors, journalists, tech enthusiasts and facilitators who gathered in the magical rooms of the City Hall to discuss entrepreneurship, examine internationalization strategies and discover France’s latest startup sensations.
After going through more than 50 applications, we succeeded in picking 5 promising startups.
Let’s find out who they are.
More than 6 billion emoji are sent every day but how many of you experienced confusion when trying to understand what some of them really meant in a specific context? Emoji currently miss something that not only would make the message clearer but that would add a deeper sensation to it: MUSIC!
EmoJam is the best way to express yourself using musical emoj. The mobile app and keyboard allow users not only to share musical emoji but also to get the latest music news, watch videos of your favorite artist and buy anything music-related, revolutionizing not only the emoji world but also the way the music industry monetizes.
Never Eat Alone is a mobile app that helps employees of large corporations connect with their colleagues over lunch break. The true size of a company lies not in the number of employees it has, but in the number of connections between them. When employees connect with each other, not only they feel happier but they share knowledge more easily and come up with amazing projects and better solutions. Never Eat Alone is the fuel for increasing the number of connections within companies, with the mission to improve knowledge and happiness within corporations.
Up to 60% of users leave a website or mobile app to switch to a competitor because of their disappointing user experience. Ferpection aims to solve this problem by allowing companies to test their website and application with real users on their personal devices ( smartphones, tablets and computers). Users provide specific ratings and detailed feedback that will then analyzed to enable the companies to optimize their solutions based on the users expectations.
Birdly is a powerful Slack bot that does your expense reports for you. The concept is really simple: after adding the bot to your Slack Team, take a picture of your receipt or upload a pdf to your bot and Bill, Birdly personal assistant will stock them, filling a spreadsheet for you.
The bot is seamless to deploy — no account, no download, no training.
For the employee, there is no learning curve as Birdly integrates with tools he already uses. For questions, ask the bot and you will get an answer. Birdly’s vision is to make administrative and back-office tasks frictionless and invisible, through a set of tools combining AI and human intervention. Expense management on Slack is just the first step.
If you happen to be a real fan of any celebrity or internet influencer, you are probably following this person on any social media possible and you know how tiring it can be to switch from one platform to another. Not to mention that most of those platforms don’t allow you to have a direct and unfiltered connection with your idol.
Instead, if you fall on the other side of the spectrum, and you are a youtube star or a blogger, you know how time-consuming and difficult it is to create an app and to engage directly with your fans.
Triber is the first application that enables influencers to create an app with just one click, combining all their existing networks, as well as exclusive content, their music and unique features such as the Chat Wall. Fans love it because they can find all the content they need in one place and have the opportunity to engage closely with their idol through chat sessions. Influencers love it too, as Triber offers them new monetization options and a great way to gain back ownership of their audience.
In between demos, great speakers took the stage to share their experience and discuss the FrenchTech ecosystem. The panels were followed by networking with our official Partners: BNP Paribas, EDF, United, Data&Data, Airbus BizLab, GitHub, the Embassy of Hungary, Iris Capital, StickyAds.tv, IZBERG and Mailjet.
Don’t forget to check out our Crossroad album and our Paris Founders Facebook Page to get all the beautiful pictures of the event. We will publish more pictures and a kick-ass 360° video, shot by VRTUOZ in the upcoming days.