All posts in Evernote

Jolidrive rolls out Search and says Dropbox, Google Drive & YouTube among most popular services

When Tariq Krim and the Jolicloud team announced the move to Jolidrive, they promised many more new services and enhancements in the coming months. Earlier this month, the team announced the Jolidrive integration with CloudApp with a nice 20% discount on CloudAppPro. Now comes the addition of one of the most sought after services by Jolidrive users, […]

Voulez-vous Yahoo ?

Voulez-vous Yahoo ?

A worrying phenomenon is brewing among a handful of French companies that are using the brouhaha at Yahoo! as an excuse to forbid working from home. Unless you’ve miraculously escaped the tireless media coverage, you’re aware that Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer announced last month that she was abolishing the firm’s work-from-home policy, saying that to […]

4 Reasons to Upgrade your Evernote Account with Azendoo

4 Reasons to Upgrade your Evernote Account with Azendoo

You rely on tools like watches, alarms, notifications, calendars and moleskines to help “manage” your time. The real manipulation here is visualization, so long as we have our eggs lined up in a row, we can get cracking, so to speak. There is no better way to evolve the culture of your team than by […]

Vacances à volonté, a rising trend of unlimited vacation days

“Impossible, that would never work in France; don’t be so idealistic,” chided my friend with a dismissive wave of the hand. With a storied career rising through the ranks of a CAC40 firm and more recently a business owner, my friend knew a lot about managing people in a French workplace. We were discussing a […]

Pearltrees social library tops US App Store charts

Just 10 days ago Pearltrees, the Paris-based social library tool which allows you to organize all things digital, launched the iPhone version. The app, which acts similarly to the already existing iPad and Web apps, allows users to organize “pearls” of information into categories, which can be shared, organized in a tree-like system, and can […]

AppCooker: Whipping up a better app

App Cooker helps developers to do everything from defining the vision of the app, determining the right type of interface style based on the developer's vision, and creating mock-ups, to, via their Price Cooker tool, figuring out the app's economics.