Archive for March 2012

HumanCoders launches a Job Board. Their 1st client: Facebook.

Human Coders, the startup dedicated to creating micro developer communities which launched earlier this year, announced the opening of its programmer job board. The French-language job board currently offers job listings for JavaScript and Ruby on Rails developers only, though this is not a surprise as the co-founders have long since opens JSLive and RubyLive, […]

Accelerators and Incubators and Offices, oh my! Where to take your startup idea?

Accelerators and Incubators and Offices, oh my! Where to take your startup idea?

LeCamping announced recently that its applications are open for the third season of its accelerator program. The season three applications are available until April 13, and the program will run from June until November. With just a few weeks left in their season 2 session, emerging startups might be asking themselves whether an accelerator program is what […]

Dublin: A Startup City we can all learn from

Dublin: A Startup City we can all learn from

This past weekend I was invited to be a mentor at Startup Weekend Dublin. I had never seen the Dublin startup scene, though I had read about it a bit. My weekend entailed a crash course in the startup scene in Dublin, and I took away a lot from it, so I thought I’d share […]

Kima Ventures and Jaina Capital invest in Yasound. Yes, failure pays.

Today, the self-proclaimed “most active business angel in the world” (aka Kima Ventures) announced yet another investment: Yasound. While this may seem like “just another investment” for the famous fund that strives to invest in some 100 startups per calendar year, it’s in fact very different. Pandora’s box. For anyone who doesn’t know Yasound, the […]

Rude VC: YouTube: 1. War criminals: 0.

In the 7-day span since last week’s Rude VC column, the digital world has witnessed the fastest growing video campaign in the history of social media. I’m of course referring to the Kony2012 short film produced by Invisible Children.  The human rights organization launched a video with a sole objective to render famous and agitate […]

France's best startup digs #1: BeMyBoat

It’s Friday, so let’s get out of Paris. The first winner of our weekly French office contest is BeMyBoat, a Nantes-based online yacht charter agency. Their beautiful offices are located on an island in the middle of the Erdre River. Special thanks to Yoann Grange for the great photos, and thanks to the higher powers […]

How to enjoy French wine using tech

When I went back to NYC over Christmas, the greatest source of reverse culture shock was the wine. We kept finding ourselves at restaurants paying at least $50 for uninspiring bottles. You see, living in France has spoiled us. But let’s be honest: I, and even most native French, don’t come anywhere close to taking […]

Michelin (finally) launches online restaurant guide, ignores startups

I remember in 2010, Marc Simoncini said that 2011 would be “the year of mobile” for his online dating company, Meetic. At the time, I giggled. A whopping 4 years after the launch of the iPhone and Meetic was finally turning to mobile as its new platform? Well done. But earlier this week when France’s […]

CommerceGuys raise $5 Million, ISAI is looking better than ever

Yesterday, CommerceGuys announced their series A funding round, led by Paris-based Alven Capital. CommerceGuys’ flagship product Drupal Commerce is an open-source framework now in use in over 10,000 websites worldwide. Drupal Commerce offers a range of capabilities, including the ability to upload catalogs of merchandise, accept payments online, integrate with shipping services and interact with […]

Rude VC: Europe still has a winner in MWC

Last week Europe hosted the Mobile World Congress, an annual ritual in which over 60,000 people in dark gray and black suits invade Barcelona in an event originally organized by the consortium of mobile network operators. The event used to be called 3GSM, named after the nearly ubiquitous technology standard for mobile communication. The GSMA […]