Search results for: startup

Up 70% from 2014, 250 French startups pulled in €750 Million in H1 2015

EY has released their bi-annual report on France’s private equity market, and the numbers look promising. After ISAI’s Business Angel report showed that, finally, business angel activity in France is starting to pick up, it looks like VCs can boast the same activity. €759 Million was raised in the first half of the year, putting France […]

What does LeWeb’s postponement say about Paris’ role in the European Startup Scene?

Earlier this year, a brief announcement by the LeMeurs alerted the tech community that the duo had bought back LeWeb from their acquirers, Reed MIDEM. Both parties seemed to praise the deal, and the tech community was left wondering: can LeWeb turn itself around in 2015? The answer to that question, unfortunately, may not come […]

Schumpeter’s SaaS : Startups and Creative Destruction

Back in my economics classes, I was always fascinated on how theories from books could be related to real life events. I read about Kondratieff’s cycles, Smith’s invisible hand, Keynes’s supply and demand. But my favorite was Schumpeter’s creative destruction, and now after six years in the world of startups, it’s fascinating to see it […]

Manufacturing for Hardware Startups Hinges on Long-Term Interest Alignment

Today it’s a foregone conclusion that hardware startups are on the rise. Not only are there more and more exciting hardware startups springing up almost from everywhere in the world, notable exits such as Nest (acquired by Google) and Fitbit (IPO on NYSE in June 2015) have also proved that hardware startups could generate just […]

Meet the first 40 recruiters at Paris Startup Job Fair on September 19th

We are one month away from the fifth edition of Paris Startup Job Fair, that will take place on September 19th at the Centquatre, and we are excited to announce that we’ve already got forty great companies ready to recruit, making this edition on track to be bigger than the last one. As you might […]

Bpifrance advizes French companies to acquire startups in order to grow

France’s public investment bank BPIfrance has its hands in many pots. They invest in more than 50% of seed and growth funds, and invest directly in larger rounds of companies deemed ‘national treasures’ of sorts  – Withings & Sigfox, for example. Beyond being responsible for an estimated two-thirds of investment capital made available by French […]

Top Talent recruitment isn't just a startup problem. It's an everyone problem.

In the startup world, hiring top talent is a full-time job. For a founder, for an HR person, or for an HR team. Recruiters scour LinkedIn profiles, Github repositories, Stackoverflow user profiles, just to find the golden talent-nugget that has yet to be tapped; however, increasingly, startups aren’t just competing with themselves for top talent […]

Where are European startups to solve Europe's biggest issues?

On-demand Food Delivery, that’s a Silicon Valley problem. A daily gluten-free meal option, that’s a Silicon Valley problem. I don’t mean that this doesn’t have a global market potential, just that it is clearly a problem first confronted by the Bay Area, and then adapted and adopted in different markets. Two of my colleagues recently […]

Jurismatic, TheFamily's latest concoction, provides open source legal documents for French startups

This month, TheFamily released yet another website. If you’re like me, you weren’t fazed by the forced mass-publication that came on Facebook & Twitter, and after the 100th time that they tell you that their latest oeuvre will change the startup ecosystem, you can’t help but scoff. However, with Jurismatic, TheFamily’s latest concoction, you might […]

Four false friends for French startup lingo

I greatly admire French entrepreneurs who step outside their comfort zone to pitch me in English. Regardless of your mastery of second languages, pitching in your native tongue is usually far easier. Your reflexes are more instinctive; it’s easier to think on your feet; and you control the tone and the cadence of the pitch […]