All posts in FNAC

FNAC goes head to head with Spotify & Deezer with its new music service

FNAC tried a few years back to tackle the digital music world, but never managed to build a sizeable digital music business given the dominance of iTunes. In 2012 however, they eventually ended up stopping their digital music activity and partnering with Apple instead. Now FNAC has decided to jump into the world of digital […]

Steve Jobs called it: France claims Amazon is killing bookstores with loss-leader prices

Steve Jobs called it: France claims Amazon is killing bookstores with loss-leader prices

During a conference of bookstore owners in Bordeaux this week, Aurelie Filippetti, France’s Minister of Culture, renewed her fight against Amazon, who she says has killed the market by lowering prices and by introducing free shipping. As reported in LeMonde, Amazon has taken advantage of one French law which allows books to be discounted at […]

After eliminating the competition with help from the government, Amazon to “harmonize” commission rates in France

After eliminating the competition with help from the government, Amazon to “harmonize” commission rates in France

Amazon has been welcomed with open arms by the government. They bought their tapis rouge on Amazon, rolled it out from them on top of FNAC, Darty, Surcouf, and Virgin Megastore, and let them walk right in. To give a brief summary, in the past year Amazon has opened new offices in Burgundy, and Pas de Calais, […]

Is Virgin Megastore going bust?

As confirmed Friday on France Inter, Virgin Stores will submit a request today to declare themselves insolvent.  As in the US with Chapter 11 status, there tends to be two possible outcomes of this: 1) restructuring or 2) full-out liquidation/bankruptcy.  Given how things have been going for Butler Capital owned Virgin Megastores in recent years, […]

Microsoft Surface now available in stores in France

Microsoft Surface, which appears to be off to a mixed and ambiguous start on the other side of the Atlantic, just launched in France, right in time for the holidays. As with other markets, Microsoft has opted for a slow roll-out, choosing only to sell the Surface in a few major chains/distributors initially before expanding […]

Battle of the Bands: iTunes knocks FNAC out!

The French retailer of digital music, FNAC, will now use Apple’s storefront, iTunes. After 8 years of plans to compete in a rapidly evolving digital landscape, FNAC will finally close its doors ‘online.’ FNAC will bring in the new year on January 1, 2013 transferring all it users’ credits to iTunes accounts under a terms […]

Google Indoor Maps now shows FNAC, CDG, Casino & More

Google announced today that their Indoor Maps feature, which first launched showing the Mall of America and other large landmarks, now features select museums, stores & airports in France. Among the list of places available for view is Paris’ Charles De Gaulle airport, supermarkets such as Casino, Carrefour, and Monoprix, major retail stores like FNAC, […]

eBooks to play a more prominent role during upcoming French literary season

Each year at ‘la rentrée’ (the late Aug-early Sept back to school / back to work period) France’s literary season kicks-off with the release of a vast array of new books.  This year’s literary season is expected to be an active one, with the release of  646 new titles [FR].  As avid readers [FR], the […]