All posts in Skype
Neelie Kroes’ European Leaders Club is bringing sexy back to entrepreneurship in Europe – is that enough?
Last week, Commissioner Neelie Kroes welcomed nine entrepreneurs to Brussels for the first meeting of the European Leaders Club. Armed with experience and the desire to bring Europe “up to code” with the rising digital economy, the club hopes to bring to light some of the strongest issues in the European Startup Scene. Baptized the […]
Skype may face criminal charges if it doesn’t let French Police listen in on Skype Calls
ARCEP, the French telecom authorities, have informed the Paris state prosecutor (the State Attorney) that, since Skype provides communication capabilities to French citizens, they must submit to the French law’s concerning electronic communications operator – one such law requires operators to allow the French Police to listen in on any calls. ARCEP, claims that Skype, whose European presence is governed by […]
In France, NYE SMS sees decline as MMS and new platforms rise
Although sending a SMS is still the prefered way to say ‘Happy New Year’ in France, things are starting to change. According to early estimates published in Les Echos, at least 600 million SMS were sent in France as 2013 descended upon us. SFR alone logged 280 million between 21h on the 31st and 9h the […]