This year, 1000+ leading innovators, entrepreneurs and thought leaders from collaborative economy space will descend on Paris the 20-22 May for the 3rd edition of OuiShare Fest. This year’s event, titled ‘Lost in Transition’, will tackle head-on the challenges the Sharing Economy sector has been facing of late as well as explore promising areas of opportunity; collaborative consumption, open source, makers and fablabs, coworking, crowdfunding, alternative currencies and horizontal governance, and other movements that are transforming cities, organizations and civic action worldwide, will be top of the agenda at this year’s event.
OuiShare, which launched in 2012, has established itself as an international leader in the collaborative economy field. They view the rise of the collaborative economy as not only a disruptive business model that has spurred untold numbers of new entrepreneurial opportunities, but also as catalyst for driving positive societal change. As such OuiShare Fest is much more than a simple business conference, it’s an inspirational launchpad for societal change.
As the collaborative revolution has evolved, it certainly has had its share of challenges. As such, tough topics such as how to deal with issues around regulation, financing, and organization in times of environmental, economic and societal uncertainty, will be actively debated and discussed during the event. OuiShare Fest will also have its share of leading visionaries from the sector including Crowd Companies cofounder Jeremiah Owyang, Meetup founder Scott Heiferman, BlaBlaCar cofounder Féréric Mazzella, Freelancers Union founder Sarah Orowitz, Peer to Peer Foundation founder Michel Bauwens, and Mesh Lab founder Lisa Gansky.
If you’d like attend, you can still get great rates on early bird tickets here. And if you’re cash-strapped, they also have lower-priced and sponsored tickets that you can apply for here.
The Sharing Economy's top event OuiShare Fest is back on 20-22 May
