In recent years, Rentabiliweb has shifted significantly the core of its strategy from B-to-C (meeting sites, online games, or SMS payments) to B-to-B (payments, direct marketing, etc). Or, more specifically as pointed out in Les Echos, evolving into a full-service fintech company. Launch of new products and services, such as the highly successful Be2Bill payment solution have paid off in spades for the group.
While overall revenues for the year were stable vs 2013 standing at €71.9 million, the B-to-B segment was up 15% to €36.4 million, largely driven by strong, consistent quarter-on-quarter growth. Be2Bill continued to be a top performer for the group. The collected run rate was up 141% by end December 2014, hitting €920 million and the signed run rate is now equal to €2 billion.
The one area that they will likely be focusing on improving in future years is EBIT, which although anticipated, was down this year overall. However, this was largely due to significant investments expanding internationally and executing against their strategic shift to B-to-B, so should improve in future years.
Regarding their 2014 performance, Jean-Baptiste Descroix-Vernier, Chairman of the Rentabiliweb Group, stated: “2014 was a turning point in more than one way. First of all, the B to B segment’s revenue is higher than that of the B to C segment. And then, since November 2014, the B to B segment’s EBIT has been positive, thereby confirming the relevance of our positioning on B2B solutions. Our customers are choosing our services since they combine marketing expertise (data management) and data expertise, thereby helping them to increase their revenue. Still true to our DNA, we’ve self-financed the necessary investments, while remaining profitable.”
Rentabiliweb strategy validated with positive 2014 results
![Rentabiliweb strategy validated with positive 2014 results](