Search results for: tax

Uber Taxi in Paris: an Uber for the price of a taxi, or a Taxi for the price of an Uber?

Yesterday, Uber announced on their blog that Parisian Uber users will now be able to make user of Uber’s “Uber Taxi” feature, which allows users to hail taxis using Uber. The service has already rolled out in Chicago, DC, Toronto and  San Francisco – in Paris, users have the choice between a Taxi, a “moto” […]

LinkedIn France gets a visit from the taxman

The French tax authority is definitely earning its money this year!  Hot on the heels of the tax reclamations from pretty much every other big US tech player in France (Ebay/Paypal, Facebook, Amazon,Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo), now comes news of another; This time its LinkedIn.  The news of a visit by the French taxman to LinkedIn’s Paris […]

Microsoft contests 52 Million euro back-taxes in France

French tax authorities are asking for 52 Million euros from Microsoft for what it refers to as ‘redressement social,’ essentially undeclared taxes that it declared via its Dublin-based European HQ between 2007 and 2009. Microsoft, who has already announced it will contest the claim, says that it legally registered all sales in Ireland, and delivered […]

Here’s some new Tax Credits just for French startups

The 2013 French Finance law, voted last December, has been a hot topic in the startup community because of a controversial capital gains tax hike proposal. The directions for the new law were set in the National Pact for Growth, a set of measures aimed at helping SMEs grow by fostering innovation, among other things. Apart […]

Investors & Entrepreneurs: forget everything you’ve heard about taxes in France in the last 6 months.

In the past 6 months, there have been a lot of new tax ideas thrown out around France, most of which has resulted in smoke & a bad reputation for French businesses & entrepreneurs. Paris went from 6th to 10th in ‘attractiveness for investment’ in just one year according to a recent study reported on […]

Hollande threatens to push for the Google Tax if press issue not resolved by the end of the month

French President Francois Hollande announced Monday that Google and the French press have until the end of January to resolve their proprietary issues before Hollande will push for legislation requiring Google to pay press for the snippets of text that appear in Google News. “It is normal that those who make a profit from you […]

2013 may see all new French tax ideas, like The Internet Tax

France’s unstable tax scheme may see yet another shift in the coming years, as LeFigaro reported earlier this month that an “Internet Tax” may see the light of day in the next few years. Specifically, the French government may begin taxing the storage of personal data about French internet users. The proposed law is expected to be brought to […]

French corporate taxes improve for 2013. Now only the 3rd worst in Europe

A recent report by Pricewaterhousecoopers comparing tax systems and rates across all countries for 2013 reveals which countries have the most attractive tax systems. Originally brought to our attention by LeFigaro, the report looked at each country in terms of how high taxes work (broken into labor, corporate, and social charges), the administrative impact of paying […]

Marissa must be doing well 'cause France wants Yahoo's tax money

Chapter 7 of the ongoing sage of “France Tax Authorities investigate Multinational Tech Companies,” with this week’s target being none other than Yahoo! France. Originally reported on BFMTV, Yahoo! France reportedly paid just €462K in taxes on €79 Million in revnue in 2011, or .58% of their revenue. Yahoo joins the likes of Ebay/Paypal, Facebook, […]

Ebay & Paypal star in the latest episode of "investigations into tax evasion in France"

I remember the pilot episode like it was just yesterday: the “do no evil” anti-hero Google confidently strolls in and out of government hearings, proclaiming loudly “we take all European tax regulations seriously,” meanwhile figures showed that Google was earning at least €1 Billion in revenues from French customers, but allegedly did all its business out […]