Archive for February 2014
RudeVC: Time to party like it’s… ?
A conversation with a particularly insightful investment banker (yes, such a breed does exist) inspired me to do a little research over the weekend. His observation was that 2013 reminded him a lot about 1998 in the tech sector. In 1998 I was an entrepreneur so consumed with my second startup that I rarely came […]
The Paris Startup Job Fair returns April 5th to help High-Growth Startups meet Passionate People
Following up on last year’s successful edition of the Paris Startup Job Fair, we’re excited to announce the second edition of the event, taking place April 5th in the heart of Paris. There you will find more than 50 of the hottest tech startups ready to bring on board passionate & talented people. Our previous edition […]
Developer Competition Code in the Dark returns to Paris March 21st
After last September’s successful edition, we’ve decided to bring Code in the Dark back to Paris this March at Deezer HQ. The competition, which pits developers against each other in a race against time to recode web pages ‘in the dark’ (without previewing code in the browser), brought together over 150 developers for the last […]
The Ridesharing Landscape in Paris Is About To Get Overhauled
The Parisian ride-sharing landscape has been stirred up after Uber’s announcement of UberPop’s launch last Tuesday. This of course can’t be indulged by everybody and some reacted promptly. But before getting to that, what exactly is the Parisian ride-sharing landscape? The landscape There are basically 2 young Lyft- like startups operating in Paris. The first […]
Deal Circle raises $750K in bid to take on AngelList in Europe
Copenhagen-based DealCircle has raised $750K from a slew of business angels, including former JustEat CEO Klaus Nyengaard, ZenDesk co-founder Alexander Aghassipour & SEED Capital, looking to expand its online funding platform to Europe. Founded by Lars Buch, formerly head of smartphones for Nokia in Denmark, and Bertrand Bisson, a former lawyer, the platform looks to reduce the amount of legal fees […]
Lift14, continuing to push the envelope on the innovation debate
Each year in February the center of gravity of innovation discussion and debate shifts to Geneva for the annual Lift Conference. The Lift experience is quite different the one you may have at other well-known tech oriented conferences in that it fully immerses its attendees in the question of how to make ‘innovation happen’. Sometimes […]
[Interview] Midemlab judge David Raichman discusses startups and disruptive tech
Earlier this week, the winners of Midemlab were announced. As with most years, the judging panel was quite diverse and I had the opportunity to interview a couple of the judges to get their perspective on the competition. In this interview I chat with David Raichman, Creative Director at OgilvyOne Worldwide / Head of Ogilvy Lab Paris about […]
After botched Dailymotion acquisition, Yahoo! France relocates user data to Ireland
If you’re going to bring on a former Googler as your CEO, you can expect their organizational structure to mimic Google’s as well – This week, Yahoo! users in France received a new, obligatory terms of services agreement which informed them that their user data and payments information will now run through Yahoo! Ireland, the […]
France’s Startup Scene tackles the question “Can you teach someone to be an entrepreneur?”
In different moods or stages as an entrepreneur, I’ve found myself on both sides of the fence regarding the question “Can you teach someone to be an entrepreneur?” On the one hand, there’s nothing special to being an entrepreneur – some days it’s like working in a small team of a big company, only instead of […]
How can I help you if you don’t know what you need?
This article is part of the “Unbullshit-able” series – a series of articles around questions & phrases that entrepreneurs are asked that are bullshit-proof. Today’s phrase is “Let me know what I can do for you.” For many of us constantly trying to empty our inboxes (I achieve Inbox Zero about once a month), receiving emails […]