Pre-order your Qleek: a device for those who miss when medias were objects

Pre-order your Qleek: a device for those who miss when medias were objects


How not to fall in love with Qleek? Although not so easy to acknowledge, Qleek seems just right. It brings the greatness of object design together with the easiness of a media playing device. It makes you re-discover the pleasure to collect beautiful media-related objects without giving up the digitalization of your media collection. It adds a cool vibe to your walls.

Basically, Qleek is a set of wooden and customizable hexagons called Tapps and a player box. Each Tapp contains an online content: a movie, a playlist, an Instagram feed, anything. You can order, customize and put together Tapps in hives and hang them on your walls, or carry each Tapp on the go to play it somewhere else.

Is it very useful to your data collection and organization? I’m not sure – although it is the ambition of the project, as said Pierre-Rudolf Gerlach, one of the creators: “[We want to] create a new medium for new medias”.

Is it a lovely way to make your online content concrete again? That is a yes.

Pre-order your Cleek on IndieGogo here: you have until the 29th of June!